V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (2025)

Greetings Champions, and Happy New Year!

While 2025 has only just begun, it’s time we pushed ahead with our first update of the year!

Quick Overview:

New Omeda Original Hero: Mourn

New Dynasty Skins

New Items

Hero & Role Swap in Draft

New Tutorial Videos

New Tower Fortification Mechanics

“Play Again” Function

Account Linking

…and more!

Take care where you step Champions, lest you tread through the domain of our newest Hero, the scornful wooded warden, Mourn!

Mourn is an ancient protector of the forest, a living embodiment of nature’s fury. He serves as a warning to all who dare disrupt the delicate, primordial balance of the natural world.


Health: 730 (+131)

Health Regen: 1.6 (+0.25)

Mana: 330 (+44)

Mana Regen: 1.5 (+0.12)

Physical Power: 60 (+3.5)

Attack Speed: 105 (+1.5)

Physical Armor: 23 (+3.75)

Magical Armor: 26 (+1.4)

Movement Speed: 680

Basic Attack Range: 300u

BAT: 1.15


Extract [Passive]:

CD: 9

Mourn’s next Basic Attack gains additional range, dealing 25 (+5 per level)(+40% Magical Power) additional damage to all Enemies in front of him and converting all of the damage dealt to magical damage. Damaging an Enemy Target heals Mourn for 4/6/8/10% of his Maximum Health.

Clobber [Basic Attack]:

Melee basic attack dealing 60 (+90% Bonus Physical Power) physical damage.

Contagion [Primary]:

CD: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Effect: Mourn vomits magical bugs that attach to nearby Allied and Enemy Heroes.

Mourn and Allied Heroes hit restore 8/13/18/23/28 (+12% Magical Power) Health every second for 3s, gaining 5 (+10% Physical Armor) Physical Armor and 5 (+10% Magical Armor) Magical Armor for the same duration.

Enemies take 20/30/40/50/60 (+15% Magical Power) magical damage every second for 3s and have their Base Physical Armor and Base Magical Armor reduced by 5 and their Bonus Physical Armor and Bonus Magical Armor reduced by 20%.

Beguile [Secondary]:

CD: 16/15/14/13/12
Cost: 60
Mourn Channels energy into his fist, expanding up to 800u over the duration for 1.5s, gaining 25% Damage Reduction and Slows himself by 30%.

At the end of the duration or upon reactivation, Enemies within take 80/110/140/170/200 (+55% Magical Power) magical damage and are Mesmerized for 0.5-1.25s (based on Channel duration).

Abduct [Alternate]:

CD: 15/14.25/13.5/12.75/12
Cost: 80
Effect: Channel for up to 3s, Slowing yourself by 25% and wind up your vines, increasing their range over 1s. After 3s the ability will be cancelled and go on a 50% cooldown.

Confirm to unleash a torrent of vines that collide with the first Enemy Unit hit dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+75% Magical Power) magical damage. Enemies hit by this ability are partially Pulled towards Mourn and Slowed by 90% for 1s.

Eclipse [Ultimate]:

CD: 150/130/110
Cost: 100/125/150
Effect: Mourn absorbs light from the map for 4s, causing all Enemy Heroes to have massively reduced vision for the duration.

During this time, Mourn gains 40/60/80% bonus Movement Speed.

Store News


Invasion Mourn [Uncommon]

Take on even the most persistent invasive species at their own game.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (1)

Dynasty Murdoch [Epic]

Sure the armour is spectacular, but gun shaped like a dragon’s head? Epic.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (2)

Dynasty Grux [Epic]

Embody the aspect of a powerful blue dragon!

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (3)

Dynasty Sparrow [Rare]

Are you red-y for this?

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (4)

Dynasty Kwang [Common]

Protect the dynasty at all costs.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (5)

New Limited-Time Bundles

Invasion Mourn Bundle

Mourn [Hero]

Invasion Mourn [Skin]

Invasion Mourn [Profile Icon]

Invasion Mourn [Banner]

Get Over Here [Spray]

Mourn Premium Affinity Pass

Dynasty Mega Bundle


Murdock [Hero]

Grux [Hero]

Kwang [Hero]

Dynasty Murdock [Skin]

Dynasty Grux [Skin]

Dynasty Kwang [Skin]

Dynasty Sparrow [Skin]

I’m Watching You [Overhead Emote]

Dynasty Murdock [Banner]

Dynasty Murdock [Icon]

Dynasty Murdock Bundle

Murdock [Hero]

Dynasty Murdock [Skin]

I’m Watching You [Overhead Emote]

Dynasty Murdock [Banner]

Dynasty Murdock [Icon]

We're pleased to share that full Account Linking and Account Migration is now available, allowing you to transfer game progress between platforms.

Account Migration

In order to move game data from one platform to another:

  1. Log in to My Account at www.predecessorgame.com using the account you wish to migrate to a different platform. This account will serve as your master account. Any accounts linked to your master account will have their data deleted and replaced by data from your master account.

    • For example - to migrate PlayStation game data to a new platform, you’d need to log in via PlayStation.

  2. Link the new platform you want to migrated your account data over to such as Epic Games, Steam or Xbox. If there’s existing game data associated with the account you’re trying to link to, it will be deleted and replaced by data from your master account.

    • For more information on linking accounts, read our support article on Account Linking.

  3. Load up the newly linked platform. Your progress and account data will have been migrated!

Account Preservation

Any accounts you link will have their data and progress overwritten and replaced by data from the master account. Merging accounts to combine game data is not currently possible.

For example, if you are migrating PS4 data to Steam and connect it to a Steam account that already has game data, the pre-existing Steam data will be deleted and replaced by the PS4 data.

Additionally you may only link to an account that has not already been linked to another account.

At this time account unlinking is not supported. Be sure to take care when linking accounts.

If you mistakenly link an account or need any additional help, please contact our Support team for assistance.

Level-Up Rewards Update

In 1.2, we introduced new level-up rewards for each level up to level 20. At the time however, we were unable to retroactively grant these rewards to players at higher levels.

This is corrected with the launch of 1.3. When you log in after updating you’ll receive a reward pop-up with all the missed level-up rewards added to your account.

Thank you for your patience and enjoy your rewards!

With the release of 1.3, several requested improvements are coming to Draft including the ability to swap Roles, Heroes, and Draft Order with your allies.

How Swapping Works
  • Players must first select the type of swap they’d like to request and then choose the ally they wish to swap with.

  • The requested player must accept the swap for it to take effect.

Types of Swaps

Role Swapping
  • Available for the entire duration of the draft.

  • Swaps the role (Offlane/Jungle/Midlane/Carry/Support) of the two players.

This feature is particularly important as the Hunt item is tied to the player's role in Draft.

Hero Swapping
  • Only available once both players have locked in their Heroes.

  • The swap exchanges the locked-in Heroes between the two players.

  • Both players need to have the Hero unlocked.

Position Swapping
  • Only available if you haven’t yet locked in a Hero.

  • The swap exchanges the position in the draft order between the two players.

Players can perform swaps as many times as they like, provided both players agree to each swap.

These improvements are designed to provide greater flexibility and teamwork during Draft, ensuring a smoother and more collaborative experience.

Ranked Mode 24/7 Trial

One of the most popular requests we’ve received is for Ranked Mode to be available 24/7. And guess what? We heard you loud and clear!

While we’re not yet ready to make Ranked Mode permanently available at all times, we’ve made the necessary preparations to run a 24/7 Ranked Mode trial for a limited time.

Starting with the release of V1.3, Ranked Mode will be open around the clock on NA and EU servers for 14 days. We’ll let you know in advance via our social channels when the trial is set to end.

We’d greatly appreciate your feedback on your experience with Ranked “after hours”—particularly during the timeframes when it wasn’t previously available.

Outer Towers have received some upgrades!

From the start of a match, they are now Fortified until the 15-minute mark. During this time, Towers have Plated Healthbars, meaning each time you damage them down to 75%/50%/25%/0% of their Health, you will be rewarded with additional gold that will drop nearby on the floor.

Be warned though, each time you destroy a Plated Segment, the Tower will become more durable, while also summoning a temporary Barrier that grants it an even larger increase in Armor for 10s based on the number of Enemy Heroes near it when a Plate is destroyed. This means that while additional rewards are on offer to players bold enough to damage their enemy’s Outer Towers, they must carefully choose whether to back off after destroying a Plate, or risk hitting through the additional durability for even more Gold!

Overall, the Tower Fortification mechanic will provide you with greater potential for reward when playing for Tower damage over making roams in the earlier stages of a match. As with any new gameplay feature, some balance tuning may be required in subsequent updates, but for now we’re excited to see the new range of tactics and strategies as a result of this change!

Tower Fortification - Mechanics Breakdown:

  • Outer Towers are now Fortified with Plates for the first 15-minutes of a match.

    • After 15m, Tower Fortification is removed and Outer Towers revert to normal.

  • While Fortified, Outer Towers have Plated Health Bars at 25% intervals.

  • At each 25% damage threshold, it will drop 2 Gold Pick-ups onto the ground.

    • Each Gold Pick-up grants 55g (110g per Plate).

      • Gold Pickups travel to the furthest away Ally Player in the Enemy Tower’s Range

      • If no player is in Range when a Plate is destroyed the gold will fall to the edge of the Outer Tower’s range.

      • Upon pick up, Gold is shared equally with all nearby Allies within a 2000u radius.

      • Only Allies may pick up the Gold for their respective team.

      • Gold Pick-ups last for 25s before disappearing from the world.

  • Upon destroying a portion of the Fortified Tower, it generates a defensive Barrier, gaining temporarily increased Armors for a short duration based on the Number of Nearby Enemy Heroes at the time of activation.

    • Barrier Duration: 10s.

    • Barrier Enemy Hero Detection Radius: 2000u.

    • Barrier Bonus Armors:

      • 0-1 nearby Heroes: +80.

      • 2 nearby Heroes: +140.

      • 3 nearby Heroes: +200.

      • 4 nearby Heroes: +280.

      • 5 nearby Heroes: +400.

  • Fortified Outer Towers have generically increased Armors based on the amount of Plated Segments remaining:

    • 4 Segments Remaining: +20.

    • 3 Segments Remaining: +35.

    • 2 Segments Remaining: +50.

    • 1 Segments Remaining: +65.

      • This is additive to the normal Tower Armor both pre and post-8m.

All Towers

  • Additionally, All Towers and Inhibitors no longer grant Local Gold to nearby Killers upon death.

  • Instead, Tower Local Gold is now dropped as 2 Gold Pick-ups for ALL TOWERS on destruction (or Final Plate Kill).

    • These grant the same amount of Local Gold as normal and share it among nearby Allies from the location it was acquired (2000u).

New Items

We’ve added 14 brand-new items to the in-game shop—plus a returning classic!

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (6)

New Stat: Ultimate Haste:

Ultimate Haste is a new stat that is offered on some Items. It works similar to Ability Haste, but it is only applied to your Ultimate Ability’s Cooldown Calculation, instead of all Abilities.

For example, if you have 10 Ability Haste, and 15 Ultimate Haste, your Ultimate effectively has 25 Total Haste’s worth of Cooldown Reduction, but your Basic Abilities only have 10 Ability Haste worth of Cooldown Reduction.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (7)

Cost: 350g.

Recipe: Refillable Potion + 350g.

Purchase: Permanently upgrade your Refillable Potion to now restore additional Health and Mana.

Active (Consume): Regenerate 160-360 Health and 100-135 Mana over 15s.

Max Charges: 2 (Charges are restored upon entering your Base).

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (8)

-Cost: 700g.

3% Omnivamp.

Profiteer (Passive): Deal 5% increased damage to Minions and Monsters. Upon killing an Enemy Unit, gain 7 additional Gold. Camp Leaders grant 17 additional Gold instead.

Restriction (Passive): This item will Destroy Itself upon Death and sells for a reduced value of 300g.

Tier 2:

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (9)

Cost: 850g.

15% Attack Speed.

5% Lifesteal.

Recipe: Longbow + 500g.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (10)

Cost: 900g.

20% Attack Speed.

8 Ability Haste.

Recipe: Longbow + Pendant + 250g.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (11)

Cost: 1000g.

30 Magical Armor.

80% Base Health Regen.

Recipe: Wraps + Life Stream + 300g.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (12)

Cost: 950g.

20% Attack Speed.

4 Physical Penetration.

Recipe: Longbow + 600g.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (13)

Cost: 800g.

15 Physical Power.

200 Mana

Recipe: Spirit Beads + Shortsword + 100g.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (14)

Cost: 3200g.

30 Physical Power.

30% Attack Speed.

6 Physical Penetration.

Recipe: Ruthless Broadsword + Sai + 900g.

Corrode (Passive): On damaging an Enemy Hero, reduce their Physical Armor by 4% for 3s, stacking up to 6 times. Enemies with 6 stacks of Corrode become Eroded.

Diligence (Passive): Eroded Heroes receive 8% increase On-hit Damage and Ability Damage from you.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (15)

Cost: 2950g.

45 Physical Power.

7 Physical Penetration.

10 Ability Haste.

Recipe: Honest Kris + Temporal Ripper + 950g.

Final Hour (Passive): Upon using your Ultimate, gain 7% increased damage for 6s.

Razor’s Edge (Passive): Gain 15 Ultimate Haste.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (16)

Cost: 3000g.

45 Physical Power.

7 Physical Penetration.

10 Ability Haste.

12% Lifesteal.

Recipe: Honed Kris + Pendant + Crimson Edge + 850g.

Duplicity (Passive): Upon casting an Ability, your next 2 Basic Attacks within 3s gain 45% bonus Attack Speed.

Close Combat (Passive): Melee Heroes reset their Basic Attack Cooldown when activating Duplicity.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (17)

Cost: 3000g.

30% Attack Speed.

300 Health.

15 Ability Haste.

7% Omnivamp.

Recipe: Composite Bow + Violet Brooch + Razorclaw + 300g.

Nearsight (Passive): While within 475u of an Enemy Unit, your Basic Attacks deal 20 (+3.5% Bonus Health)(+12% Bonus Physical Power) physical damage On-Hit.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (18)

Cost: 3100g.

40 Physical Power.

375 Health.

10 Ability Haste.

Recipe: Temporal Ripper + Stone Of Strength + 750g.

Oppression (Passive): Upon casting your Ultimate, gain 30% Decaying Movement Speed for 4s, and 20 Ability Haste for 8s. Takedowns within this time re-trigger this effect 45s CD.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (19)

Cost: 2600g.

450 Health.

250 Mana.

10 Ability Haste.

Recipe: Violet Brooch + Spirit Beads + Banded Emerald + 400g.

Tele-Blink (Passive): Replace your Blink with Tele-Blink. Tele-Blink has a reduced Cooldown but cannot be used while In Combat 120s CD.

Quantum Edge (Passive): Gain 15 Ultimate Haste.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (20)

Cost: 2900g.

250 Health.

40 Magical Armor.

100% Base Health Regen.

-10 Ability Haste.

Recipe: Rejuvenation Robe + Violet Brooch + 900g.

Deconstruction (Passive): Your next Basic Attack On-Hit against an Enemy Minion will cause them to explode, Healing you for 30 (+6% Max Health) and granting 10 additional Gold. The explosion deals 100 (+6% Bonus Health) magical damage to nearby Enemy Units.

Converter (Passive): Upon Executing 25 Minions with Deconstruction, return to Base to Evolve this item into Cybernetic Drive.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (21)

Cost: 2900g.

250 Health.

40 Magical Armor.

100% Base Health Regen.

10 Ability Haste.

Recipe: Fully charged Catalytic Drive.

Lesser Deconstruction (Passive): Your next Basic Attack On-Hit against an Enemy Minion will cause them to explode, Healing you for 30 (+6% Max Health). The explosion deals 100 (+6% Bonus Health) magical damage to nearby Enemy Units.

Cybernetic Conversion (Passive): Gain 15% increased Physical Armor and 15% increased Magical Armor.

Editor's Note:

For those of you that follow our social channels, you’ll know that we previously mentioned our hope to add 18 new items in this update.

Unfortunately however, some of those extra items didn't quite meet our balance/gameplay integrity checks during the testing phase and were thus shelved for the time being.

  • Bonesaw.

Gameplay Balance Changes


  • 15 Items added.

  • Various adjustments/reworks to some Carry/Fighter Items.

  • Ultimate Haste Stat added.

  • Minion Experience Range decreased by 10%.

  • Boss Monster Durability and Damage increased.

  • Outer Towers are now Fortified for the first 15m of a match. For every 25% Health they lose, they now drop Gold on the floor for 25s that can be acquired by walking over it. However, when this occurs the Tower gains increased durability for a short duration. (Full mechanics breakdown can be found further above.)

  • Additionally, all Towers and Inhibitors now drop their Local Gold onto the floor when they are destroyed instead of it being granted generically.

  • General Gameplay Balance.


Minion Experience range is receiving a decrease, better allowing players to zone out their lane opponent from experience in winning positions, and further forcing players to fight for the Minion Wave rather than being able to sit back passively and absorb experience as easily.

Minion XP Reward Distance decreased from 2500u to 2250u.


Various Boss Monsters are receiving shifts to their durability and damage, making them more threatening to take unless you have an adequate advantage as a team and allowing more opportunities for teamfights to break out now that the Boss Monsters take slightly longer to kill.


Health increased from 5400 (+500 per Level) to 5400 (+600 per Level).

Physical Armor increased 25 (+3 per level) to 25 (+5 per Level).

Current Health Damage increased from 4%/6% to 5%/7% at Levels 1/7.

Primal Fangtooth

Current Health Damage increased from 6% to 7%.

Mini Prime

Health changed from 5500 (+500 per Level) to 6000 (+450 per Level).

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (22)

A small shift to Argus’ Particle Shredder, with a reduction in its Mana Cost in return for lower damage. This will better allow him to stay present on the map as the match progresses in exchange for the decrease in raw damage potential.

Particle Shredder [Alternate]:

Damage decreased from 20/30/40/50/60 to 20/27/34/41/48.

Mana Cost decreased from 7/9/11/13/15 to 6/7/8/9/10.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (23)

Feng Mao is receiving some changes aimed at increasing his baseline gank potency with the shifts to Hamstring and Basic Attack Speed keeping his Jungle clearspeed at similar levels, but with Hamstring now benefitting from an increased Slow when looking to stick to his target.


Attack Speed increased from 100 to 105.

Hamstring [Secondary]:

Damage increased from 95/130/165/200/235 to 100/135/170/205/240.

Slow increased from 30% to 35%.

Cooldown increased from 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 to 9/8/7/6/5.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (24)

Gideon functions well as a catch all Mage right now, possessing very few “bad” matchups. To ensure he does not function too efficiently compared to other Mages, some small base damage reductions are being levied.

Cosmic Rift [Primary]:

Damage decreased from 130/175/220/265/310 to 120/165/210/255/300.

Void Breach [Alternate]:

Damage decreased from 115/150/185/220/255 to 110/145/180/215/250.

Iggy’s Turrets can become exceptionally durable in the later stages of a match, often requiring significant investment of time and cooldowns if his enemies wish to destroy them. To reduce how overbearing they can be, a hit to their Health Scaling is required.

Flame Turret [Primary]:

Turret Health Magical Power Scaling decreased from 25% to 20%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (26)

Kwang is receiving a round of changes aimed at opening up his ability to Jungle further, with his Passive now granting him cooldown refunds versus Monsters. Additionally, his Passive has been returned, with less Cooldown refund per individual strike, in exchange for lower cooldowns across his base kit. This will help reduce how Haste reliant Kwang is, further opening up further build paths, while also ensuring he is rewarded adequately for investing in damage options.


Physical Power decreased from 63 to 61.

Strike Of The Heavens [Passive]:

Damage decreased from 12 (+5 per Level) to 12 (+4 per Level).

Basic Ability Cooldown Refund decreased from 1s to 0.5s.

Now also grants its Cooldown Reduction against Monsters.

Judgement Of The Heavens [Primary]:

Damage decreased from 90/120/150/180/210 to 90/115/140/165/190.

Mana Cost decreased from 60 to 50.

Cooldown decreased from 16/14.75/13.5/12.25/11 to 16/14.5/13/11.5/10.

Surge Of The Heavens [Secondary]:

Cooldown decreased from 14/12.75/11.5/10.25/9 to 14/12.5/11/9.5/8.

Light Of The Heaves [Alternate]:

Damage decreased from 80/115/150/185/220 to 80/110/140/170/200.

Damage Magical Power Scaling increased from 40% to 45%.

True Damage decreased from 95/135/175/215/255 to 95/130/165/200/235.

Shield Bonus Health Scaling decreased from 6% to 5%.

Cooldown decreased from 13/12/11/10/9 to 13/11.75/10.5/9.25/8.

Fury Of The Heaves [Ultimate]:

Damage decreased from 270/385/500 to 270/370/470.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (27)

Murdock currently benefits from a high level of control and safety within his kit thanks to his Passive allowing him to drag minion waves with ease in the early game and the general safety Hot Pursuit offers when running down or escaping foes. Pair this with his ability to pick up stray kills across the map, and Murdock can often benefit from abnormal levels of safety and consistency throughout a match. Some hits to his Hot Pursuit’s movement speed, as well as the cooldown of his Ultimate are being levied to ensure there is greater room to punish, should Murdock make too many mistakes throughout a match.

Hot Pursuit [Secondary]:

Movement Speed decreased from 35% to 30%.

Long Arm Of The Law [Ultimate]:

Cooldown increased from 120/95/70 to 130/105/80.

A small hit to Kira’s Mercy Scaling, further ensuring that she is not able to snowball and blast through her opponent with short trades as aggressively, should she acquire an early lead.

Mercy [Alternate]:

Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 80%/82.5%/85%/87.5%/90% to 80%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (29)

A small Bugfix that provides more clarity!

Energy Lance [Secondary]:

[Bugfix] Now shows the Cooldown Reduction on Level-up in the Ability Upgrade Info.

Serath has recently emerged as one of the more dominant Heroes among the roster, frequently able to turn the tides of a fight by achieving a single reset from her Passive. Alongside some other changes to her frequently bought Items, a small hit to her Passive’s Cooldown Reduction is needed to ensure that a single reset does not have her running over a fight as frequently with enemies now having more time to react before she executes a second round of abilities.

Fallen Grace [Passive]:

Cooldown Refund decreased from 70% to 65%.

The previous round of changes to Sevarog were a little too aggressive, pushing him out of conventional play and resulting in a heavy reduction in Jungle viability especially. To reach a healthier middle-ground, some small buffs are being granted aimed at improving his early game to provide him with more stability to progress throughout a match.


Health Regeneration increased from 1.7 to 2.

The Harbinger [Basic Attack]:

Cleave increased from 20% to 25%.

Siphon [Primary]:

Damage increased from 85/100/115/130/145 to 90/105/120/135/150.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (32)

Since the previous round of changes to Skylar’s Mana Economy and Plasma Grenade uptime, she has since been able to survive through the laning phase with far more ease. However, given how well she scales throughout a match, this has resulted in too low risk for how high the reward is in late-game. As such, we’re nudging down her damage profile and elusiveness further to ensure there are adequate enough windows to take fights against her, while also ensuring a single Ultimate does not wipe a teamfight as easily.


Mana decreased from 350 to 335.

Thrust [Secondary]:

Damage decreased from 25/35/45/55/65 to 20/30/40/50/60.

Flight Bonus Movement Speed decreased from 20% to 15%.

Hyper Charge [Ultimate]:

Damage decreased from 200/330/460 to 200/320/440.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 125% to 115%.

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 85%.

Missing Health Damage decreased from, 15%/20%/25% to 12%/18%/24%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (33)

Sparrow’s lack of general safety and mobility means she needs to be able to rely on her Hail Of Arrows to help get her out of sticky situations or assist her team. Currently the Slow is a little too weak at rank 1 to achieve this result, so it is receiving a general increase to offer her greater utility and kiting power.

Hail Of Arrows [Primary]:

Slow increased from 28%/31%/34%/37%/40% to 33%/36%/39%/42%/45%.

Wraith is receiving a small set of changes to his Knock, Knock! The goal here is to increase the consistency of the ability, while slightly making him less reliant on mana itemisation and a snowball to function. Additionally, his Snipe now also benefits from Lifesteal, opening up some additional build paths for him. Overall these changes should have Wraith feeling smoother and better able to be enjoyed at levels of play beyond the top tiers.

Knock, Knock! [Alternate]:

Damage changed from 100/125/150/175/200 to 90/120/150/180/210.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 115% to 110%.

Projectile Speed increased by 20%.

Now Benefits from Lifesteal.

Mana Cost decreased from 60 to 50.

Mana Refund decreased from 60% to 50%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (35)

Now that Yin has settled and the community has further mastered her kit, Yin is highly overperforming other Heroes. Some general reductions across her kit are required to bring her back down into parity and to ensure her clear speed and general damage output does not become too out of control as a match progresses.


Health growth decreased from 128 to 126.

Rising Storm [Passive]:

Attack Speed decreased from 3%/4%/5%/6% to 2.5%/3.5%/4.5%/5.5%.

Lash Kick [Primary]:

[Bugfix/QoL] Smoothness improved for higher latency Users.

Windburn [Secondary]:

Max Health Damage decreased from 3/3.5/4/4.5/5% to 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5%- Cooldown increased from 13/11/9/7/5 to 14/12/10/8/6.

Quelling Gale [Ultimate]:

Slow decreased from 25% to 20%.Cooldown increased from 130/105/80 to 130/110/90.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (36)

Zinx is receiving a reduction to her Passive’s Movement Speed component to allow enemies an easier time of catching her out when she mispositions, as well as to reduce her ability to run down her opponent in lane.

Triage Protocol [Passive]:

Movement Speed decreased from 40% to 25%.



Given how powerful their effects are at shutting down engagements and neutralising specific Hero kits, Cleanse Crests and Epoch are receiving increases to their Cooldowns to allow for a larger window of downtime and opportunity for opponents to strike again in a followup engagement, should they get blown.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (37)

Purifying Guard Cooldown increased from 150s to 165s.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (38)

Purifying Strike Cooldown increased from 135s to 150s.

Purifying Rage Cooldown increased from 135s to 150s.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (39)

Stasis Device Cooldown increased from 135s to 150s.


Cooldown increased from 150 to 180.

Tier 2:

Composite Bow:

Composite Bow is receiving a shift to its stat profile, now offering less attack speed, but more On-Hit damage in return. This better specialises it to Heroes with Attack Speed stims in their kit, and reduces the ability for unorthodox users to poach it as easily.

Cost decreased from 900 to 850.

Attack Speed decreased from 20% to 15%.

Honed Strikes On-Hit Damage increased from 12 to 15.

Polar Treads:

There has been an increase in the amount of early roaming Supports, especially at Paragon-level play. Due to the lower levels of communication that happens when playing in Solo/Duo, the efficacy of this tactic can result in highly unenjoyable matches for players on the receiving end as a Support runs between lanes, and is largely enabled by the efficacy of Polar Treads and Galaxy Greaves at allowing Supports to roam the map early. To ensure this trend does not continue as heavily, the both Items are receiving reductions to their Movement Speed they provide.

Celerity Out Of Combat Movement Speed decreased from 8% to 5%.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (40)

Ashbringer has received a small rework to its effect, with Basic Attacks/Critical Strikes no longer reducing Basic Ability Cooldowns by a flat amount against. Instead, it now reduces them by a Percentage of Current Cooldown against any target, allowing the Item to be useful in a range of new scenarios and against any target type.

Cost increased from 2900 to 3000.

Physical Power increased from 25 to 30.

Attack Speed decreased from 35% to 25%.

Ability Haste decreased from 15 to 10.

Recipe: Claymore + Redwood Shortbow + 800g

[Reworked] Passive Chrono Strikes: Your Basic Attacks decrease your Current Basic Ability Cooldowns by 12%, reduced to 5% against Non-Heroes.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (41)

Demolisher’s Deicide (Max Health Difference Damage Amp’) Passive has been removed and replaced with a new effect that grants additional Bonus Physical Armor Penetration. This should reduce the frequency at which Demolisher is bought as a catch-all that is generically strong against Tanks and Squishies alike, and instead specialise it towards its purpose of being your go-to when looking to kill an enemy that possesses several Physical Armor Items.

Physical Power increased from 35 to 40.

Puncture Physical Penetration decreased from 30% to 20%

Deicide Max Health Difference Damage Amp’ Passive Removed.

[New] Passive Trauma: Your Basic Attacks and Critical Strikes additionally ignore 30% of your Target’s Bonus Physical Armor.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (42)

Nuclear Rounds has been re-statted, with its Physical Power being removed in exchange for Attack Speed. This allows it to fit into more distinct Item Parings and Build Orders (such as Vanquisher + Nuclear Rounds), further opening up more intuitive Carry build diversity based on playstyle preferences. Of course, the loss of its raw Physical Power impacts the damage your abilities will deal, so its Havoc Passive has received a buff to compensate.

Cost decreased from 3100 to 2800.

45 Physical Power removed.

40% Attack Speed added.

Ability Haste decreased from 20 to 15.

Recipe: Robust Arbalest + Redwood Shortbow + 750g.

Havoc Ability Damage based on 20-100% Critical Strike Chance increased from 3-15% to 4-20%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (43)

Quiver is receiving a couple of changes. Firstly, its Keen Strikes On-Hit Passive has been removed as the damage it provides is largely unnecessary and contributes to damage bloat given its already significant statline. Secondly, Onixia no longer grants Melee Heroes ramping Attack Speed, and instead provides them with 5% additional Critical Chance for every 20% Critical Chance they own. This means that a Melee Hero can get 100% Critical Strike Chance with 4 (or less…) items, if their Build includes Quiver.

Cost decreased from 2900 to 2800.

Recipe: Robust Arbalest + Razorclaw + 850g.

Keen Strikes Passive Removed.

[Reworked] Passive Onixia: Melee Heroes gain 5% additional Critical Chance for every 20% Critical Chance they have. Additionally, they gain 1% Damage Mitigation for every 10% Health they are missing.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (44)

Plasma Blade now generically grants 20% Critical Strike Chance, and its Passive Crit Chance has been cut in half as a result. This is to better allow the Item to pair with other options such as Nuclear Rounds and provide the item with some greater consistency.

20% Critical Strike Chance Added.

Recipe: Claymore + Rune Bow + 300g.

Vibro Cutter Critical Strike Chance per Stack decreased from 8% to 4%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (45)

A quick recipe change for Reso’.

Recipe: Soul Chalice + Sai + Sabre + 400g.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (46)

A small recipe and balance shift for Spectra, now being slightly cheaper, but offering less raw stats and a slightly less potent recipe-path. This will better allow Spectra to serve as an injection of Attack Speed within builds, without it offering too much value in one slot.

Cost decreased from 3000 to 2800.

Attack Speed decreased from 45% to 40%.

Recipe: Composite Bow + Redwood Shortbow + 1000g.

Radiant Strikes On-Hit Damage decreased from 30 to 25.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (47)

Solaris is receiving some adjustments to its Solarblade Passive, with it now slightly Scaling with Bonus Physical Power, but able to Critically Strike and Heal you for a portion of the Effect Damage dealt. The addition of sustain to Solaris will better allow it to function as a strong first-buy for Ability-Heavy Carries and better pair with other alternatives.

Cost increased from 3100 to 3200.

Physical Power decreased from 45 to 40.

Ability Haste decreased from 20 to 15.

Recipe: Claymore + Spell Slasher + Spirit Shiv + 450g.

Solarblade Damage Scaling changed from 100% Critical Strike Chance to 15% Bonus Physical Power.

Solarblade’s Damage can now Critically Strike.

Solarblade now Heals you for 50% of the damage dealt.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (48)

A small adjustment to Deathstalker, with us proving a more potent Shred on Virulent Strikes in return for less max stacks, better suiting it to the Assassins that want to engage in shorter trade patterns.

Physical Penetration decreased from 6 to 5.

Virulent Strikes Physical Penetration increased from 2 to 3

Virulent Strikes Max stacks decreased from 5 to 4.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (49)

Echelon Cloak can feel like it takes a tad too long to activate its Camo’ effect, so we’re dropping its activation timer down to allow for more sneaky plays.

Shadow Activation Time decreased from 2.5s to 2s.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (50)

Omen continues to struggle to compete for its place within many Assassin builds due to its effect not offering enough potency over purchasing higher Haste or Damage alternatives. To further push it into its identity of a high-frequency ability use Item, we’re further increasing its cooldown refund effect. This will allow it to serve better as a cooldown refresher for Heroes such as Feng Mao that can utilise its proc well with his high cooldown dash, and the ability to generate stacks quickly with his inherent mobility.

Bestial Momentum Cooldown Refund increased from 25% to 30%.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (51)

Basilisk’s Eminence Passive has been reworked, no longer granting On-Hit damage. Instead it now provides for some additional Movement Speed when damaging Eroded Targets, better opening up the item to more Heroes that might like it, such as Crunch and Terra, while also stripping out some of the damage bloat from bulkier Bruisers that health-stack and providing a healthier way for them to stick to their target compared to relying on Slows from items such as Bonesaw.

[Reworked] Eminence: Gain 5% Movement Speed for 2s when damaging Eroded Targets.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (52)

As mentioned previously, Bonesaw has been removed, with the new item “Rapture” replacing it as an alternative Health + Attack Speed option.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (53)

Earthshaker’s Battleborn effect provides a deceptively impactful damage amp’ to its users. It requires toning down to ensure Bruisers are not getting too much overall damage-value from the item, given its already well-rounded stat profile.

Battleborn Max Stacks decreased from 15 to 12.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (54)

Gaia Greaves frequently allows for its users to recklessly run around in fights, largely thanks to how quickly it can stack up. While this is part of the fun of the item, we need to ensure that fewer instances of Heroes running away for free in moments of poor positioning or overcommitting with its damage proc. To do this, the rare at which Tremor ramps up its stacks its being reduced, meaning Gaia users will have to think more carefully of how they build up and retain their speed

Tremor Movement Speed Stack Gain Rate decreased by 20%.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (55)

Mistmeadow has gained some Base Health Regen, better allowing it to function for Bruisers as a first buy against heavy magical damage match-ups.

80% Base Health Regen added.

Recipe: Temporal Ripper + Rejuvenation Robe + Sabre + 350g

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (56)

Tainted Blade offers a significant Damage Amp from its Hex passive already, and becomes over-efficient with its current Physical Power amount. A small cut is required to ensure Bruisers are not accessing too strong of a combination of damage and durability within one slot.

Physical Power decreased from 45 to 40.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (57)

Megacosm still has the ability to outperform other damage alternatives thanks to its burn effect, even when rushed in the early game. As with Demolisher, Megacosm possessing such well-rounded efficacy against all Target types goes against the theme of the item being an Anti-Tank option, and some Magical Power is being removed to ensure there is a clearer trade-off when foregoing burstier options.

Magical Power decreased from 70 to 65.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (58)

Tainted Scepter is another Blight item that performs too strongly given its already desirable stat profile, arguably beating out Combustion as a burst option while also possessing its Blight effect. As a result, a reduction in its Effect’s Scaling is needed to bring a clearer distinction between the two while ensuring there’s a small, but acceptable, damage tradeoff when purchasing Blight over other alternatives.

Malice Magical Power Scaling decreased from 1.5% to 1.25%.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (59)

As with Polar Treads, Galaxy Greaves is a large contributor to frustrating roaming gameplay loops. Its combination of high Mana Regenration, its Movement Speed, and the Jump height all allow Supports to stay out on the map for a long time, while providing speed and safety to their roams. A hit to all three areas is required to bring a greater sense of predictability to the item, and to better ensure Supports cannot play as recklessly with their positioning thanks to its Zero-G Jump.

Cost increased from 2550 to 2600.

Base Mana Regen decreased from 150% to 100%.

Celerity Out Of Combat Movement decreased from 10% to 8%.

Jump Height decreased from 900 to 800.


V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (60)

Elafrost possessed an issue where its old Mana Restore effect on activation could occur again. This has now been resolved.

[Bugfix] Frostblade no longer grants Mana Restore on use.

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (61)

Finally, we have a small hit to Razuul’s Minion Crusher Effect, as it provides for an overwhelming waveclear spike in the early game that is simply too high compared to other alternatives that opens up the possibility for unhealthy proxy-clearing scenarios, especially given the luxury amount of Haste and Sustain it offers when acquired.

Minion Crusher Bonus Minion Damage decreased from 40% to 35%.

  • Fixed an issue where players could override their Hero’s model in draft, resulting in some interesting outcomes.

  • Fixed an issue where Undertow Zarus would not display VFX correctly on certain body parts.

  • Fixed an issue where EA Grux Pelt Khaimera would not display its description.

  • Fixed an issue where Northern Mystic Morigesh would not display its description.

  • Fixed an issue where Players could stand on a wall near Objective Pits.

  • Fixed an issue where the Ranked Leaderboard could display incorrectly for Playstation Users.

  • Fixed an issue where Ground Targeting could Target through the water on some Tower Pads.

  • Fixed an issue where Kallari’s Guillotine could play a loud Hissing SFX after use.

  • Fixed an issue where the “First Blood” Announcer VO could fail to play.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Play Again” prompt could show for unintended game modes.

  • Fixed an issue where Learn Video Audio could continue to play when Navigated away from in the Menus.

  • Fixed an issue where the previous Header could persist when navigating to and from the Learn Tab.

  • Fixed an issue where Ban Timers could blend into the background and be difficult to read.

  • Fixed an issue where Crests could be activated during Gateway travel.

  • Fixed an issue where Transferred Buffs would last for 45s, instead of 25s, in Brawl.

  • Fixed an issue where Murdock could sometimes re-aim his Ultimate after initial activation.

  • Fixed an issue where Mini Orb/Orb Prime Buffs would not have description text on their HUD Notification Icon.

  • Fixed an issue where Player HUD Elements could overlap with inactivity prompts in-game.

And that’s it! Not a bad start to 2025, right? We hope you’ll enjoy Mourn as a powerful new addition to the Hero roster, find the new items useful and feel the game refreshed and ready for the year ahead!

As always, let us know what you think on Discord or Reddit.

Until next time,

Omeda_Zuzu (Player Experience Manager)

V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor (2025)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.