Second time's the charm for Mr Thompson as Orange High teacher announces retirement (2025)

Since 1912, there have been 15 principals to lead Orange High School. Trevor Thompson has either studied under or worked alongside 60 per cent of those.

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Such is the storied history of the long-time agriculture and science teacher who came to work at Orange High 18 years after graduating from the school.

"I've always cherished the opportunity to keep growing farmers and people that are attached to agriculture because they feed us and clothe us," he said.

"I've welcomed that opportunity to ensure everyone has that opportunity to have a little bit of practical and hands-on training.

"You can learn so much while not even realising you're learning and having fun. Education doesn't get any better."

But after 35 years teaching in Orange and 47 in the industry overall, Mr Thompson announced his retirement for the second time in a decade.

Second time's the charm for Mr Thompson as Orange High teacher announces retirement (1)

Trevor Thompson is retiring from teaching at Orange High School. Picture by Carla Freedman

His first stint at life outside the classroom came in 2014 but lasted only a few short months.

Upon hearing a part-time role in the technology and applied studies department had opened up, Mr Thompson pulled a John Farnham and was back at Orange High by the start of 2015.

"Retiring was not something I ever really embraced," he said.

What was only meant to be a temporary stint turned into a decade helping students hone their woodwork and metalwork skills.

During the past ten years he's had some "remarkable achievements" such as helping students to numerous band 6s.

One of the highlights of his career has been the "privilege" of teaching students from year 7 right through to the end of year 12.

Second time's the charm for Mr Thompson as Orange High teacher announces retirement (2)

Trevor Thompson alongside some of the principals he has worked under during his time at Orange High School. Picture by Carla Freedman

"It is possible to get the best results out of the kids if you keep on them and encourage them. That's really rewarding," Mr Thompson said.

"When you've had the students continuously over a period of time like that, you get excellent results from everyone."

While 2024 will be his last year as a teacher, it may not be the last you see of him on the grounds of Orange High School.

With a "zen Buddhist" approach, Mr Thompson hopes to come back as a gardener.

"I've put a lot of work into these grounds over the years," he said.

"I don't think anyone should ever retire really. You just have to keep an interest and it keeps you active and engaged in the community."

Second time's the charm for Mr Thompson as Orange High teacher announces retirement (3)

Riley Krause

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I am a senior journalist for the Central Western Daily. I cover council, human interest stories, crime and sport. Drop me an email at

I am a senior journalist for the Central Western Daily. I cover council, human interest stories, crime and sport. Drop me an email at

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